Earl Warren PTA Nominations for the 2016-2017 School Year
PTA is an important part of our children’s educational success and a way to bring families and teachers together to work as one unit.
The focus of our PTA is to help support the school by sponsoring events and programs beyond the means of the schools budget to create an exciting, productive, and well-rounded learning environment. Our responsibility is to work with the teachers and staff as the voice of the parents and children to create the best elementary school experience we can provide for the students.
Please consider participating in one of these truly valuable positions and return the bottom of the form sent home to your child’s teacher no later than January 19th. The nomination interviews will be held on January 20th, 2016 prior to the association meeting in the Multi Purpose Room.
All volunteer positions are held for a one year term and must be a PTA member. A volunteer position does not require you to be at school.